2020 Recap: Looking Back

Before we wrap up 2020 and look toward a new year, we wanted to take a moment to look back on how much happened in Orbus in the last year. 2020 definitely wasn’t the year that anyone was expecting, but in the world of OrbusVR, it was a pretty busy year! By month, we released:

This December also marks our third anniversary. The more the VR industry continues to grow, the more grateful we are for our community and that you all continue to come back to the game month in and month out. For your continued feedback and input, for helping us track down bugs (and for your patience in seeing them fixed), for helping us welcome all the new players to the game this year...we want to say thank you. An MMO is nothing without its community, and we continue to maintain that Orbus has the best community in VR.

Looking Ahead

Last December we held an in-game event to celebrate our second anniversary. Since we were already releasing the winter festival and the Citadel Raid this past month, we decided to push our anniversary event back to January 2021. We'll have more info coming soon on that event, as well as a roadmap for the first part of 2021. The Dev team is already hard at work on some plans for next year. Here's to another year of OrbusVR!