Patch 10.97 - Hard Mode Raid, Loadouts & Inventory Tweaks

Today we're launching Patch 10.97, which includes the Ruins of Guild City hard mode raid, the new Equipment Loadouts system, as well as quality-of-life improvements to the inventory system.

The Ruins of Guild City Hard Mode

Covered in greater detail in a blog post last week, this raid is designed to challenge even the most experienced party of 10 players looking for the riches within.

Featuring five unique bosses, party members will use their wits and skill to handle varied, involved battle mechanics and will be rewarded in their efforts with powerful, gold foil equipment and some exclusive rewards like a cape and special mount!

Equipment Loadouts

A new feature launching in this patch is the ability to save your entire equipment loadout to an individual weapon. This lets you quickly change from one class to another by simply equipping the corresponding weapon, which will automatically and instantly equip all the armor, accessories, toolbelt items and even class items from your inventory!

via Gfycat

All you need to do is press the "Apply Loadout" button and every equipped item will be registered to be fetched when you equip that weapon. Additionally, you'll be able to see which weapons have a loadout applied to them through their tooltips.

Deposit All Ingredients Function

Another quality-of-life improvement coming in this patch is the ability to quickly dump all of the ingredients from your inventory to one of the chest or crafting facilities in your house.

via Gfycat

If you use it on a crafting table like the potion table or the lure crafting table, the button will only deposit items that are usable with it, saving you time and effort sorting through your inventory.

These are only some of the quality of life improvements we will be working on in the future, but they will have a major impact in improving day to day activities. We're excited for you to get your hands on them, and as always we'll be awaiting feedback on the Community Forums.

Later this week, we will be posting a Roadmap of content and improvements that we'll be working on for the near future, so don't miss it and keep an eye on the blog!