Q3 Sprint Two: Transmog System for Gear and Fellowship Improvements

Launching Monday, July 16th, our new Sprint brings with it a number of quality of life improvements to the game. Read on for all the details!

Transmog System for Gear

The new Transmog system allows you to change the look of your gear pieces to any piece you've previously unlocked. Mix and match to your heart's content to create a unique look for your avatar in the world of Orbus!

To begin using the system, open the new Wardrobe item in your Player House. Inside, you'll see a preview of what your gear currently looks like, as well as a list of options on the left side. Choose an option and on the right side you'll find a list of all possible styles in the game that you can apply to that gear piece. Ones that you haven't yet unlocked will be greyed out, but still visible, so you can quickly see at a glance if you've unlocked all the possibilities yet.

Unlocking a style is simple, just break down the piece of gear into a shard using the existing dismantle option in the Inventory menu. Or, use the piece of gear in the infusion process. Once it's been unlocked, you can choose to use that style as many times as you'd like in the future. Each time you change the style of a piece of gear, just pay a fee in dram based on the tier of the gear piece you are styling. Higher-tier pieces require a higher fee.

Of course, when applying the new style to your gear, all of the stats and dyes that are already on the piece will stay the same. The new style will be previewed for your in the Wardrobe, and if you're satisfied with your look, just hit Apply to save your changes and pay the fee. Note that you can also do multiple pieces at once if you want to change a significant part of your look and see how everything will fit together.

Not only does this new system offer the players some great new options for customizing their look, it also opens up a lot of new and exciting options for the art team to be able to create some new, unique styles for the game, without being constrained by needing them to look similar to previous styles.

Fellowship Improvements

It's long been on our roadmap to further improve the features available in the Fellowship system in the game, and we're pleased to deliver some of those improvements with this patch. In particular, your Fellowship menu has been overhauled, and will now sort your Fellowship members list alphabetically, as well as showing those who are online at the top of the list. You can also choose any member from the Fellowship and see the last time they were in-game, to help with fellowship management over time.

In addition to that, we've introduced the Fellowship Chest inside of the Fellowship Hall in Guild City. This new chest is a shared resource for your Fellowship where items can be stored to be shared with your fellow members. Note that only tradeable items can be stored in the chest.

In addition to that, we are currently working on a Fellowship Permissions system so that you can assign members into different roles (e.g. Officer, Leader, Member, Initiate), with different permissions for each role, such as who can access the Fellowship Chest. We're working on a really cool way of managing these permissions in-game, and as such we need to delay this piece a week or two while we finish polishing it up.

We look forward to seeing how the players use these new systems in-game on Monday! See you then!


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