Reborn Beta 6 Begins March 25th

The next OrbusVR: Reborn Beta will begin on Monday, March 25th. As that date approaches we wanted to review the rest of the schedule leading up to launch with the community to make sure everyone is informed on what's happening and when it will occur.

Beta 6: March 25th - April 8th

The first big event on the calendar is Beta 6, which will begin on March 25th at 12 PM (Noon) US Central Time. This is our last Closed Beta event before the launch of Reborn in April. As with previous beta tests, you must have purchased the current game on either the Steam or Oculus Stores if you want to participate.

Since the last beta, we've made major overhauls to all of the combat disciplines, introduced new crafting recipes, added two new dungeons, re-introduced the shard dungeons system, finalized gear itemization, added additional wildlife to the world, added additional missions and lore quests, and more. The level cap has also been raised to 30.

In addition, all previous characters from the other Reborn betas have been deleted, and your current character from OrbusVR has been imported for the Reborn Beta, just as it will work when Reborn launches live. Note that these character copies will still be deleted once this Beta ends, so feel free to experiment and play around without fear of your character in the current game being affected.

Open Beta: March 29th - March 31st

During Beta 6, we will host an Open Beta test the weekend of March 29th through March 31st. During this time, everyone who wants to participate is invited to try out the OrbusVR: Reborn beta, even if they don't already own the base game.

This is a great opportunity to check out the game if you've been sitting on the fence wondering if you would enjoy playing it, or haven't checked it out since the previous OrbusVR beta tests a long time ago.

OrbusVR Original Servers Shutdown: April 1st

On April 1st at 11:59 PM US Central Time, we will shut down the servers for the original OrbusVR game in preparation for the launch of Reborn. The community has organized some events surrounding this occasion so be sure to log into those original characters one last time and take some screenshots and have fun celebrating the end of the first phase of the original VRMMO!

Members from the Dev Team will be in-game in the evening to hang out and chat with you all as well to commemorate the event.

Reborn Release Date Announcement: April 3rd

On April 3rd we will be releasing the final information on the launch of Reborn, including the exact release date and time (which will be later in April). You'll also find that store pages on Steam and Oculus will be updating to feature pre-orders and promotional content for Reborn around this time.

It's an exciting time to be a fan of OrbusVR and we're pleased to be nearing the finish line on the launch of Reborn. See you in-game soon!