Patch 4.50: New Tradu Wings!

The latest patch is out today with some re-balancing for the class supers, as well as the new Tradu Mines Dungeon wings: the Tradu Forest and the Tradu Skywalk. With four new bosses to tackle, bring your best group and see if you can beat the challenge and get some great loot!

For all the details on what's changed in this patch, check out the Community Forum post:

We'd love to get your feedback on the new content, and there's even more on the way! With a world boss arriving in the coming weeks that you'll be able to summon using tokens from the Mines, and the upcoming Runemage Tournament, the future is sure to be exciting!

We're also hard at work on Content Patch Two, which will feature the conclusion of the Act 3 Story as well as questing content for Level 18-20, which should help fill in a much-needed gap in the leveling curve. We'll also be rolling out our new Shard Dungeons, which will be hard-mode content for max-level players who are looking for a significant challenge.

More on that to come as we keep working on it, but in the mean time enjoy today's new content, and we'll see you in-game!