OrbusVR Now on the Oculus Store

Hey everyone!

We're please to announce that as of today, OrbusVR is available for purchase on the Oculus Store. Check it out:


We're really excited to be bringing OrbusVR to the Oculus Store so that Rift users have an even easier time getting into the game. If you prefer the Oculus Home experience in terms of achievements and friends lists, then this is a great opportunity to get it on your platform of choice.

We're looking forward to welcoming a new wave of players to the world and we're thrilled to be working directly with the folks at Oculus to spread the news about the game even further.

Note that the Oculus Store version is the same software that has been available on Steam previously, so you don't need to re-buy it if you already purchased it.

The game is selling for the same $39.99 USD price point as it has been since we launched, and it's available right now -- so we'll see you in-game!

If you have any questions feel free to stop by our forums: https://community.orbusvr.com/t/orbusvr-on-the-oculus-store-today/6618?u=riley_d