Kickstarter Campaign Success! What's Next?

As I write this the Kickstarter campaign has just ended, and we've reached more than 340% of our initial funding goal. That's amazing! Thank you so much to everyone from the community who has contributed to help make the game even better. We unlocked some amazing Stretch Goals including the Pet Companion System and the Explorer's League, which I'm sure will be great additions to the game come launch time.

Of course the next question on everyone's minds is: what's next?

Kickstarter Reward Surveys

Shortly after the Kickstarter Campaign has ended (I think we have to wait a bit for all the credit card processing to occur), we will send out a "reward survey" to all backers. We'll just be asking for your OrbusVR account email address. We'll then use that to upgrade your OrbusVR account to give you a forum badge for your pledge level and access to the Closed Alpha forum if you backed at the Epic Founder level or higher.

For those of you with special rewards such as the Merchant, Loremaster, Inner Circle, or Legendary Founder tiers, we'll reach out to you by email personally to let you know how the process for your reward will work.

Testing Schedule

Here's what we know so far about the testing schedule:

Closed Alpha Testing

April 20th, 2017 (48 Hours)

May 5th, 2017

May 19th, 2017

June 2nd, 2017

June 16th, 2017

June 30th, 2017

We anticipate entering the Closed Beta testing period in July 2017. We will also have one Open Alpha test toward the end of the Closed Alpha testing period.

As we approach each testing date we'll provide more details about the focus of the test and what new things will be included. Also note that this testing schedule is subject to change if we feel like we need more time to work on something, but we'll do our best to give plenty of notice if that happens.

Stay tuned for more!